Friday 3 April 2020

covid diary Saturday 4th April 2020- Lockdown Day 10

Dark and clear. Globally 1M confirmed cases. It'll accelerate from here.
Stunner of a day so went for walk at beach. Looked in on the Warehouse but that is closed. Walked the whole length of beach.
Went to shop and got some stuff and met Greg Lagotaris and had a chat. He's still working well from home. I think he lives in Khandalah so a long way to go for a shop.
Dolphins in Evans Bay in afternoon, lovely to see them as I haven't seen too many this year.
Went for walk in town belt around 6pm as I was caught up making video of creating map.  Am getting a bit bored with map and looking around for another project.
Couple of texts to Zoe, she is ticking along there.

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