Thursday, 23 April 2020

covid diary Friday 24th April 2020- Lockdown Day 30

A stunner of a day. Yesterday a bit cool but warm this morning.

 The table above reports 1451 total, it reported the same yesterday, initially the Stuff one reported 1454 (correctly) to include the 3 new cases, but it somehow came back to 1451 today. This infers that its scraping the summary table on the MoH website, as I am. So we can see how errors occur.
This is also the interesting France divergence between John Hopkins and Bing, which have a difference of about 400,000 for total cases but report the same deaths.

Covid. A western disease ?

There was an article about 0 deaths from Covid in Vietnam, and I started looking at counties such as Cambodia, Bangladesh and Thailand. They all have minimal deaths and dont seem to be getting many cases. I've been waiting for India to explode in numbers but it hasn't. So is this a western disease? States, Canada & Europe case numbers and deaths far higher than anywhere else in the world. Africa, Asia & Middle East all looking OK, Russia and the Stan's too. South America getting a few more than Asia and Africa, but not on the scale of Europe & America. Why is that? Its not as if social distancing is easier for them, especially in main developing cities with high squatter communities.
Yes, it did come out of China and yes, it did trigger social distancing/lockdown protocols around the world.
I wonder if temperature has something to do with it? Humidity? Or higher immunity in developing countries , less rbust immunity in America/Europe due to eradicating more diseases there?

I did a google Spreadsheet that looked at all the regions, initially (top charts, by general lumps, Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa & Oceanea. Then drilling down to su regions. Basically North America & Europe pretty mogodored, Asia overall shows up but once split into the sub regions (2 graphs at bottom) they do not stand out at all, especially for the last week. Africa just isn't showing up, its sitting near Oceania in the top graphs.

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