Thursday, 9 April 2020

covid diary Friday 10th April 2020- Lockdown Day 16 Good Friday Easter

Good Friday. Nice dawn almost completely clear skies.
Only change, supermarkets wont be open. So no shopping today .

 The server was slow so I dont seem to have loaded latest figures, but the dashboard is pretty much as it is below.
 A really interesting article predicting deaths for next week base on previous data, Breaking the wave. Looking at rates of change with successive 7 days to predict curve for following days.

By looking at the wave, we can see the track of the disease in each country and how far each still has to go to limit and then stop deaths in the outbreak.
It is important to keep in mind that deaths are a “lagging indicator,” which means we may only see a decrease in response to effective containment policies weeks after they are implemented.

Working yesterday  frustrating JavaScript

Spent a very frustrating day yesterday trying to get data out of a json file with javascript. Could get whole JSON but could not drill into arrays. Hours and hours of messing with brackets to no avail. The videos all show getting the whole json file but not the drilling down into it. And JS is such a pain with erros, giving no info (for someone of my limited coding skills).
I finally got a couple of lines on a web page. Needs formatting and putting into dashboard, but a start. I actually want daily in crease in cases. The API data only gives me cumulative, so I have to make an array from the other array with x+1-x. This article shows some good methods.

Javascript Template literals. 
I'm seriously excited about this video, and want to have a play with it soon:

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