Sunday 24 May 2020

covid diary Monday 25th May 2020- Level 2 Day 12

Weather misty, rainy yucky. Earthquake this morning

I seem to be expanding out exponentialy with node.js, react, firebase cloud functions, Jamstack, gatsby, hugo, sanity, netlify, vercel(zeit) , storybook, next.
There is so much to absorb. I need to find a way to focus on getting something produced so that I have some firm footings to build upon.

Building a RESTful API with Cloud Functions and Firestore app is not going well, I dont see to be able to connect to the database, which is frustrating.

Finally got it all working which is great. Also got Functios deployed, ready for use in doing a front end exercise.
Definitely moist and cool today , southerlies, 10 degrees, humidity 87% (so damp cold) and raining. A transformation in the weather form the previous days of May.

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