Thursday, 21 May 2020

covid diary Friday 22nd May 2020- Level 2 Day 9

A little windy, I can hear the radio mast, but a reasonably clear day. Still cooling down.

I've been working through a react CRUD and got the basic elements working with a firebase firestore database.
I've just been watching videos on and that looks really exciting. Pre-templated front end websites.
Yesterday I started playing with Material UI blog template, and now looking at their template may be better. You get some polished content to deploy and can start using current front end React.
I am getting a bit distracted by all these toys. I need to set some goals on what my objectives are:
  1. API- build one and consume it and update it
  2. deploy front/back end website and maintain using API data
  3. Scrape dynamic pages -
  4.  Setup automated scraping
  5. back end server getting API to deploy to front end when requested, so showing latest.
  6. Cloud functions - maybe these fetch() API when called
  7. Reconfigure API data at back end ready for front end

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