Sunday 10 May 2020

covid diary Monday 11th May 2020- Level 3 Day 13

Another lovely mild day, no wind, very still.
Good waves yesterday and heaps of surfers out on the water at lyall.
Today govt to advise if we will go to level 2 , if a yes then it will be on Wednesday night, so thursday open to level 2.
4 pm Govt says yes to level 2 thursday, so an opening up to the next level. Hurray. Not that it means much to my lifestyle.

I saw Alexander going shopping early in the morning. I went out about 10am and did walk along beach then we nt to Countdown, finally a special on Coffee ($4.50 instead of 6.75) so I got the last 3 packs of lavassa Italian, although no Diett tonic water.
Did the rest of my shopping at pak'n'save and quite nearly kept to the list and also got petrol too. Just starting to get busy at both supermarkets and queues starting to form at both. So closer to lunchtime and tea the more likely a queue.
I've been perusing jobs but nothing happening on that front at all.
The Mern coding went well and I got that up and running, but have been having trouble with puppeteer and web scraping.
Karl came back with some alterations so I need to do those. I'll start on them tomorrow.
A lovely still day.I'm feeling as if I'm totally unproductive so may have to start getting up earlier.
Still getting my head around backend and fronmtend and full stack development and React & react native. Lots to learn.
Maybe drink more beer, that will solve everything. Still, moving to level 2 is good.

Also went to

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