Thursday 14 March 2019

Baguettes with John Kirkwood

I wanted to do a Baguette and John Kirkwoods  baking results in pretty good results for me.
I have had this blog set up for it for months and hadn't got around to making it. On looking at the video for his normal baguette it has 4 rises which seems a long process. That sort of lost me
Then I came across his Cheesy baguettes that only take 2 rises of 45 minutes and I thought I'd try that. A similar time to the Ciabatta recipe, but this one does not need the poolish overnight but more yeast.
 So I thought I'd try the cheesy recipe without the cheese in it.  it and have been very happy with the result. Maybe slightly sweet, but I suppose I'm used to the Ciabatta which has no sugar. No sugar in baguette recipe either, maybe the yeast creates it?
 I thought his was a very large recipe for one, so I halved it to make 4 shorter sticks.

The video

 The recipe

350 g Flour
260g bottled water
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon of Dry Active Yeast

Steps, flour, salt mix, then yeast, mix , then water (cool)
Mix for about 1 1/2 minutes and then let rise for 45 min
Take out, fold, then let rise for 45 minutes.

Flour surface, pour out and shape. Cut into 2.
Knead and fold as per video and then let rest for 15 minutes.
Then cut into 2 again (for 4 rolls) and knead and shape (see video)
Then on coush thing (I use baking paper) rest for 20 minutes
Then turn on oven- rest for further 10 minutes (total rest time 30 min)
Oven at 230 deg c
Score top of dough (to allow for oven rise) and spray with water.
Into oven for 10 minutes then turn (overall 16 min in video) I turned and then for another 8 min.
Take out, wrap in towel and put on rack. Then eat.

 Process and result

I put yeast in first then salt, I should have done other way around (no explanation as to why)
After mixing dough and leaving to rise in hot press I found there was almost no rise at all.
After 2nd rise it was only starting to bubble a bit, so I did a 3rd rise.
Followed rest of process and result was great. Tiny bread loaves, some fatter, some thinner. Like little artisan ones.
I was very happy with the result. I will do this recipe again to get some practice in.
I'm pleased I had something edible at the end, I think my baking is improving (apart form last time with Ciabattas forgetting sugar, then on remake I forgot to put yeast in Poolsh!!-July 19)

Appendix-The longer process- for reference

This is first video,all done on the same day.

This is one with poolish that is left overnight, so faster the next day

Stage 1 The Poolish or Sponge 

200g / 7oz Strong white bread flour
300g / 300mls / 10½oz Cold water
 ½tsp / 2g of instant or active dried yeast, if using fresh yeast 8 grams

 Stage 2 The main Ingredients

500g / 17½oz Strong white bread flour
220g / 22omls / 7½oz Cold water
1tsp / 6g Salt
 the  Poolish or Sponge made earlier
  1. Mix poolish and water
  2. Mix all the dry ingredients
  3. Mix poolish and  all the dry ingredients
  4. Cover and leave for 45 minutes to let rise
  5. Take out & Knead
  6. Cover and leave for 45 minutes to let rise
  7. Take out & Knead again
(his ambient temp is 23 deg C, so put in airing cupboard to rise/proof the dough)
Flour workspace (next to couch cloth)
Digital scales, divide the dough into 4/6/8 accurately. 4 big, 6 medium, 8 small.
7 minutes into video, knead/fold/form bread on floured surface, some on dough as well. Into small roll shape
Cover with oiled clingfilm for 15 minutes.
Form the dough in baguette shape  about 9 minutes into vid.
Then put on couch and Proof for 30 minutes
After 20 mins turn over on to 230 deg C to warm oven
Hot water on bottom shelf.
Once baguettes are on tray, spray water over top and cut diagonal cuts in them
Then in oven for 16 min
Spray water over before closing oven door.
After 10 minutes swap shelves and turn around.
After further 6 min, if right colour, get out, if you want darker keep checking every 2 min,

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